Game is completely borked with proton 5.9 & 5.9GE due to regression. Works fine when I use 4.11 though (performance is not optimal).
For singleplayer it works fine. Multiplayer and zombies won't work for now.
I have no idea what anticheat is used
In order to launch the game you need the beta steam client and updated proton experimental at least at the time of the review. Multiplayer will not even load while the zombies will reach the menu and will connect 50% of the time. Everytime though I get an unhandled exception after a few seconds so even local is unplayable. Still it is a massive improvement as the game never launched before. I suspect that the multiplayer elements will be playable soon.
It loads without issue and menu has full functionality. Unfortunately I could not actually play the game as have to get a friend to play with. Will probably test it and write another report soon.
Runs out of the box. However performance is not optimal. Had to lower resolution and graphics to medium for it to play without lag.
Does not load under any stock proton or latest proton GE.
On proton 5.11 and below it seems to load something but it then crashes. Higher versions do nothing.