Very well playable, if you can look past the occasional graphical glitch.
Custom Layout for personal Comfort.
- LMB > R2, A, Rtrackpad press
- RMB > L2,
- Escape > Start
- Tab > Select
- Spacebar (jump) > X
- G (drop) > Y
- WSAD > Left Joystick
- Mouse aiming > Right joystick, Right trackpad (lower sens more precise)
- Enter key > Left trackpad
- up down left right arrow > Directional buttons
- C (crouch) > B, L3 -L4, L5, R4, R5 are preprogrammed to exact positions on screen with automatic left click, to more easilly select frequently used buttons.
Limit to 7 Watt
the post text, letters, but also the letters on the fruit machine, plus the pause menu, were small and realy hard to properly read. thanks to this, pause menu is a bit finniky to navigate.
Severe graphical glitches, mainly in the outdoor areas. Ground looks like it gets an extra black layer over it, that isnt fully connected. It's not gamebreaking, but could be experienced as annoying.
At some moments, For example, during unloading of materials, or demolishing some scaffolding, where lots of parts start to move, game could freeze for a few seconds.
Very slight, Barely noticable input delay, Not severe and doesnt impact the fruit machine timed minigame.
Graphical issues could not be fixed by tinkering or startup commands. Graphical glitches are minor, and dont halt any gameplay