Requires GE-Proton7-20 or GE-Proton7-37 for cutscenes to work but otherwise runs perfectly fine
Surprisingly stable despite all the reports of crashing on Steam. No bugs and only one crash in 13 hours of gameplay. It does require GE-Proton-7-20 or GE-Proton7-37 for cutscenes to run properly.
40 FPS/40 HZ, TDP 5
crashes every 20 minutes or so
Only proton 4.11 seemed to work. Olders versions may work as well but not tested. All newer versions, native, proton GE launch the game to a black screen. The game does crash frequently which is annoying but it the game is playable otherwise. The game autosaves enough not too much progress is lost.
Works out of the box perfectly. Turn down TDP to maximize battery.
TDP to 3 runs at locked 45 fps/45 hz for 7 hours of gameplay
Works out of the box but requires touchscreen input to get pass launcher
Mapped F10 and F5 to back buttons to toggle between window/fullscreen and graphic settings (low, medium, high)
The launcher requires touchscreen input to proceed
Can toggle high graphics settings with F5 and then turn scaling filter to nearest to sharpen text as fullscreen mode stretches to resolution
Runs great out of the box without issues
mapped enter to A and changed left track pad to mouse scroll wheel
40fps/40 hz, TDP at 3
If you're stuck at a black screen trying clicking a bunch of times in different locations. It seems to be either some delay or prompt needed to pull up an input box (eg. name after start sequence or agreeing to TOS right at start)