It's alright, but requires meddling with game files. Running the game 4:3 stretched requires additional work with command line.
Had to rename csgo/panorama/videos to csgo/panorama/videos1
The game runs slower than on Windows by around 30%. It shouldn't be a huge problem if your fps count is high already (mine has fallen down from 300 on Windows to 200 on Linux)
I couldn't set up CS to run in 4:3 stretched resolution mode. I only achieved that after some tinkering - switching from Wayland to X11 and then manually changing and stretching my resolution using Xrandr.
Small stuttering when I launch the game, but that's probably related to shaders loading up in the background.
gamemoderun %command%
Gets past EAC initailization. After that, it crashes on startup (white screen)
gamemoderun %command%
Once you change from native to proton version and are alright with long loading times, you are good to go.
gamemoderun %command%
The Linux native version runs noticeably slower than the Windows version, according to my tests, by approximately 20%. I was able to improve the performance by running the game with Proton enabled (v. 7.0-6). This allows the game to run as well as on Windows, but results in longer loading times (around 3.5 minutes on Linux compared to 1.5 minutes on Windows). Keep in mind that I am using around 60 mods, without them the game loads up significantly faster. If you don't use any, this shouldn't be an issue.