mode: Parker Square
Couldn't run the game fullscreen only for the 1st time.
Blinking cursor, nothing else.
Native version is a beta linux version of the game that is essencially a very old build, and it hasn't been updated for years. If you force using Proton, it'll download the most recent version and will work correctly. The issues above related to the version Proton runs, not the native one.
Videos not playing
Game doesn't launch with Proton Experimental and GE-Proton7-29, and with Proton 7.0.4 & 6.3.8 game doesn't play video files which prevents progression at certain point in the game. Fixed by forcing Proton-7.0rc6-GE-1 as mentioned in AwesamLinux's report. Didn't try any other versions.
Inaccuracy in mouse input could be related to the way i have screens set up, since others don't say anything i guess it was only an issue on my end.