Distro Distribution According to ProtonDB Data

November 25, 2019

Boiling Steam has long been making astute analyses of ProtonDB data exports, but I thought I'd give a shout to their latest post, which shows how reported distros have shifted since ProtonDB launched.


The visible takeaway is that rolling-update distros such as Arch and Manjaro have grown in popularity, from ~20% for those two a year ago to ~43% now. Ubuntu is showing a noticeable slide while its descendant Pop_OS! is making headway.

Granted this is only a sampling of those who write reports here on this site, and may not be indicative of Linux trends overall. But it's worth reading the full analysis.

There's plenty of other good stuff there too. Here's a sampling of some previous coverage:

Nice work Boiling Steam!

ProtonDB exports report data monthly (removing personally identifying information). Do you have ideas for the data?

--migelius (@buck)

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ProtonDB spricht nun auch Deutsch(November 16, 2019)