It is a very old game, and shows it's age, but still has plenty of charm for what it is.
Copied winetricks steps outlineed in DiscoWay's report.
Dragging the game window to a different display causes a DDERR_INVALIDRECT crash.
As an MMORPG, the game can only be played online.
WINEPREFIX=/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/980730/pfx winetricks d3dx9
WINEPREFIX=/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/980730/pfx winetricks renderer=gdi
WINEPREFIX=/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/980730/pfx winetricks ddr=gdi
WINEPREFIX=/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/980730/pfx winetricks gdiplus
Do not drag the window to a different monitor, it will crash the game.
The following winetricks additions are required for this game to perform properly within Linux under Steam.
the games opens but there no ingame menu so you can really play the game
game is installed fine the launcher loads correctly and you can login after opening the game no menu is shown you can still click on where a button should be and see the menu for a moment for it to disappear again