LANG=zh_CN.utf8 %command%
Delete "moive" folder
graphics glitch when zooming
Delete movies folder files to play

LANG=zh_CN.utf8 gamescope -w 1920 -h 1080 -f -- %command%
You should not zoom in or out, or the graphics glitch

LANG=zh_CN.utf8 %command%
Delete "moive" folder and set game resolution to 1024*768
Black screen in Steam Deck Desktop Mode. Mouse left click can not move game character in Steam Deck Gaming Mode.
LANG=zh_CN.utf8 %command%
Rename or delete movie files, install chinese locale in steam deck by doing this
sudo steamos-readonly disable sudo pacman-key --init sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux sudo pacman -S glibc sudo sed -i "s%#zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8%zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8%" /etc/locale.gen sudo locale-gen sudo steamos-readonly enable
Map in game keys
If you zoom, there are artifacts in bottom half of screen. Default view is fine.
You can also search for "steam deck install japanese locale" and replace ja_JP to zh_CN to learn how to install chinese locale
如前面用户所说,把 movie 文件夹里的 avi 重命名或者移动到别的地方去。
