As promised from my previous report (if it is published at all), it was not working but together with a friend (Esdras Tarsis) we were able to patch proton to make it work. So, as for other games, I have made a proton build with the patches while it doesn't get to official proton. Please look at my history here in protondb and github first to ensure I am reliable, do not download random stuff from anyone from the internet. Build is here: https://github.com/Patola/wine/releases/tag/protola_6.3_rbespbgvwd -- and the bug report is here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/5072

Shows a Unity window crashing.
This is just my first report. Next steps are to open a bug report at the proton bugtracker and try to fix it up myself, either with parameters, code or different versions of proton. I'll send a new report if I can get it working.
tried every proton version, crashes before getting to the menu.

Works out of the box, with no game-breaking issues found. Reprojection is on almost constantly, though - but I didn't really notice it in the heat of battle.