Some minor issues but even without fullscreen, it's possible to resize the windowed screen.
used Protontricks to install LAV Filters (2019)
Full screen is desync from actual ingame objects and menus, placement is wrong.
Had to tinker to get it but Hey! at least it works! Noticed that the ending video plays just fine from the menu, however when loading a saved game that is near the actual ending I noticed it does take a bit long to play while ingame. Pressing CTRL (the fast skip button) when facing a white screen makes it play correctly though.Video has some artifacts (a frame desync line, perhaps due to resolution not being fullscreen? But it's fine otherwise. Some other minor issues may exist but this is what I found. It works and using LAVFilters enables all videos to play, that avoids having to remove the videos.
運行 winecfg 以啟用「模擬一個虛擬桌面」並將「桌面大小」設置為 1024x576。 安裝lavfilters。Run winecfg to enable "Emulate a virtual desktop" and set "Desktop size" to 1024x576. Install lavfilters.
玩遊戲時FPS不穩定。FPS unstable when playing.
在繁體中文版本中,當滑鼠游標移動到設置選單中的「使用快速日誌」OFF按鈕時,遊戲將凍結。 英文版沒有這個問題。 In Traditional Chinese version, when mouse pointer moves to "Log Setting" OFF buttion in setting menu, the game will freeze. English version does not have this problem.
Logo影片可以使用lavfilters和quartz播放,但這樣播放OP時會導致遊戲白屏。 Logo intro video can play with lavfilters and quartz, but it makes game show white screen when playing OP.
- 啟用「模擬一個虛擬桌面」以解決桌面模式下的啟動問題。 安裝 lavfilters 來播放 OP。 影片檔案位於[遊戲文件夾]/res/g/ev/17/。 1789.mpg 是logo,1798.mpg 是OP。 刪除 1789.mpg 以跳過播放,否則遊戲將凍結。
- Enable "Emulate a virtual desktop" to fix the launch problem in Desktop Mode. Install lavfilters to play OP. Video files are in [game folder]/res/g/ev/17/. 1789.mpg is logo intro and 1798.mpg is OP. Delete 1789.mpg to skip play, or the game will freeze.
- It seems that enable "Emulate a virtual desktop" with Proton Experimental make game can not launch. 似乎使用 Proton Experimental 時啟用「模擬一個虛擬桌面」會使遊戲無法啟動。
Run winecfg to enable "Emulate a virtual desktop" and set "Desktop size" to 1024x576. Install lavfilters.
OP play with no sound
FPS unstable when playing animation
Sometimes freezes when adjusting game settings
Enable "Emulate a virtual desktop" to fix the problem in Desktop Mode. Install lavfilters to play the video at the beginning of the game. OP can play with Proton 5.0-10, but no sound. The situation is similar to Endless Jade Sea -Midori no Umi-.
Run winecfg to enable "Emulate a virtual desktop" and set "Desktop size" to 1024x576. Install lavfilters and quartz.
FPS unstable when playing animation
Sometimes freezes when adjusting game settings
Enable "Emulate a virtual desktop" to fix the problem in Desktop Mode. Install lavfilters and quartz to play the video at the beginning of the game. OP music can play but screen is white.
Works well when you remove (or rename) media files
- Some characters cannot display correctly.
- Remove all the mpg files inside folder res/g/ev/17(or rename it), restart the game. And it will works well. Media files cannot work well inside proton.
game has borders around the full screen
installing a custom Steam Play compatibility tool like Proton GE is actually pretty easy. Download the release and extract the contents of it into this folder:
Crashes shortly after starting