Slightly worse average performance than Windows when playing at 200% render scale 1440p. "Mitigated" with 150% render scale and doesn't really look worse.
Using Steam Flatpak. 6 hours in and perfect so far other than slightly lower FPS than on Windows. Lowering the render scale to 150% works just fine and doesn't really look any worse to my eyes. Absolutely no complaints.
Game would appear to freeze at the end of animated videos. Was still able to progress using the skip function.
after all the anime cutscenes it freezes on the last frame, but you can just skip it (select and start button simultaneously on my controller) and it will go on as normal, this can most likely be mitigated through the MF-Install prefix, but if you dont wanna bother with it this works just fine and youll still get to see the entire cutscenes with no issues
Media Foundation workarounds are required to play pre-rendered cutscenes. This isn't very complicated, but it will require you to go into Desktop mode on your Deck, and unfortunately the documentation is pretty spartan. The developer of mf-install thinks you're an idiot if you can't solve this ("It's Computing 101 stuff"), so I'll provide more in-depth instructions.
First, you'll want to go to and download the files. If you're not familiar with Git, the fastest way to do this is to press the big green "Code" button and click "Download ZIP." Extract the ZIP somewhere and enter the folder for it, then open a terminal window in that folder. You'll need to run the following command:
WINEPREFIX="/home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/889600/pfx" PROTON="/home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 7.0" ./ -proton
After that, you can go back to Gaming Mode, and it should run fine. More explanation in the concluding notes.
You'll get stuck at the name entry screen without a keyboard to input text. I assigned onscreen keyboard to one of the back buttons.
If you're not familiar with the command line, here's a run-down of what that command does, in case you need it for another game. The first part, WINEPREFIX="filepath", tells the script what game you're trying to install to. The first part of the filepath is just where your steam folder lives; the numbers are the end are the steam ID for The Caligula Effect. The second part, PROTON="filepath", tells it which version of Proton you're trying to install to. I used Proton 7.0.1 here. The rest of the command just runs the script. You need to run this from the folder that you extracted the script to. This is all pretty straightforward for someone with CS experience, but it can be pretty daunting for a novice. Hopefully this helps!
tutorial cutscenes show up as a black screen
Go to for mf workaround and install it to the game's wine prefix.
Starts up to the menu, let's you start a new game, but then crashes a short time after a bit of dialoge.
I had to use the media foundation workaround to get past the cut scenes. Other than that the game worked perfectly.
I had to use the media foundation workaround to get past the cut scenes. Other than that the game worked perfectly.
start intro then crashes