Instantly closed or black screen
Trilogy instantly closes if using any version of proton newer that 5.13, otherwise it just shows a black window with no audio. I only tried Captain Together with GE but interestingly it didn't instantly close and instead actually went fullscreen. It still stayed black however.
Worked out of the box with no problems! Fantastic game for Deck as you can utilize the touchpads to do all the ship building.
No problems playing the game using a more recent Proton.
Slight Crackling, fixed with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command%
in launch options.

Only shows a black screen when the desktop is set to 2560x1440, and will run very very slowly at 1080p. Runs at better speed in a small virtual desktop placed at upper left of screen. Tweaks were ineffective. Logs show a reference to Adobe Air, but was unable to try installing that component in protontricks.

Severely low fps in startup until main menu is fully loaded. In-game, severely low fps for around 15 seconds in the beginning of the game, then moderately low for the rest. Controls will take a while to respond if more than one input is received at a time, proportional to the amount of time the keys are held down. Basically unplayable, but it runs and doesn't crash. No tweaks improved results.

Very low framerate, static-y audio, and very high control latency. Basically unplayable. It starts, though. I tried Using Wine D3D11, Disabling D3D11, and Disabling Esync. Esync provided some marginal improvements in performance, but game was still unplayable. It's worth noting that the games in this were originally made in Flash, if that helps.