Poor performance makes for a poor experience
Lots of drops below 30 FPS. Not sure what the performance is like on Windows but I found it incredibly distracting and a poor experience.
Ingame objective tracking window font is a it small but readable
Main "hub" with lot of grass dips below 30fps even at reduced resolution (no FSR)
Free Game from Amazon, installed through Heroic but I couldn't launch it from there (white or black screen only). I manually added the game to Steam, forced proton experimental and it worked. Performance is not great but very much playable, it eats the battery though. Settings: 1152x720, Full Screen, VSync on, 30 FPS, low everything but mid anti-aliasing.

Decreased settings to minimum and locked to 30fps max
Game seems to crash when attempting to go through the first portal making it unplayable
30 FPS lock
The game is running around ~20-35 FPS with the lowest graphic settings, some areas run at 15 FPS
The game is playable if the low performance (15-30 FPS) doesn't bother you. I recommend locking the game at 30 FPS.
El juego es bueno, pero el rendimiento es malo y la necesidad de tener que cargar las nuevas fases con el PC es un incordio.
La baterĂa se agota enseguida
No se ve bien el video
El video no funciona bien, y al cargar las diferentes fases se queda atascado, hay que continuarlo con el PC y luego se puede jugar
Funciona a unos 15 FPS

It works with Proton >=6.3
Activate "colorblind" option gives a better color