Character voices and some SEs are not played. The game crashes after a few button presses.
Netcode of the game isn't good, but when it was stable, I could play no issues whatsoever.
Needs 2 gamepads/Arcade controllers, as the player 1 is always mapped as keyboard/pad 1, you can't do multiplayer with just a controller and a keyboard unfortunately (There might be ways to bypass this.
The issues with the video files (Intro and second chapter of story mode) can be apprently fixed with the command 'protontricks 370460 lavfilters'. You can just press the button to skip the first intro and get into the game, no issues afterwards in the gameplay. For the best stability on lower end hardware, play on 720p mode, however I was able to max it out to 1080p without an issue.

Crash after the early title screens credits when trying to play the video