Il faut absolument utilisé Proton Expérimental sinon l'image des vidéos de sub the title sont dégradées et illisible. Pensez à activer le mode FullScreen aussi

Switch to Proton Experimental to fix the video not playing during Sub The Title, everything worked perfectly after while playing docked.
Instead of videos you would only see a static testing image instead of the videos you are supposed to see if you don't use Proton GE.
Proton-GE is necessary for this game to be considered playable.
Videos are garbled / distorted but sound is fine during the "Sub the title" mini game (which is an important part of the game), making it unplayable.
Game is a quiz game and doesn't rely in heavy networking anyway

Older release of proton used 5.0-10
Currently, unplayable. That's a shame to know for a cool game, who have translations for my non-billingual friends.
As said, the videos of the Sub the titles contains important high-pitched distorted audio glitches.
Unplayable videos. Proton-ge only cause for the actual videos of the Sub The Title to appears glitched, distorted and with audio artifacts, and the install script didn’t changed anything.
Game launches without mf-install, but it's skipped over at least one video at launch before showing the menu.
Access to title, but impossible to play
Latest proton version (4.11-12). Same as previous posts: The game starts, connects to the server, but we can't play as the video content doesn't show up for the first game, there is a white placeholder.

On Proton 4.2-3 The game runs, but sub the title doesn't run so the game cannot be played.

Game starts and runs, able to connect to. But video playback does not work, so Sub The Title will not work in a playing standpoint. Other than that it works, audio included.
Have not tried to fix this issue myself, as its likely related to missing video playback libraries if i would guess.

Game works but videos do not

It does start. But, it's not showing a perfect picture and it's unplayable.