Absolutely perfect. The only thing missing is proper controller support.
The game starts on medium graphics settings by default, which seem to drain a lot of power. Lower the graphics to improve battery life. Additionally, turn off v-sync and set the FPS to 30 if you really want to extend battery life further (default is 45 FPS).
It runs perfctly out of the box. Better than on Windows, I'd say. I always found this game to be rather unstable on Windows even with a beefy gaming laptop, but it runs butter smooth on the Deck even at 60 FPS. Make sure to use my controller layout, 'Meadow unofficial Steam Deck controller support,' which includes all default keybindings you'll need to play the game comfortably, laid out in a way that makes some sense for someone who's used to playing other games with a controller (not all key placements make perfect sense as they're just odd commands to begin with, but this is due to the game's nature and gameplay). Rest your thumb on the right stick to move the camera and move the cursor independently with the right track pad. The left track pad functions as a scroll wheel. Finally, use L4 and R4 to cycle animals in the den, but also feel free to use L2 and R2 to rise and fall as the eagle. Refer to the layout preview for more commands.