The game requires a custom launch option, -changedir
. Set this and the game will run. Some other PopCap games require this, such as Plants vz. Zombies
Add -changedir
launch option as required by several games including Plants vz. Zombies
My GPU has official Vulkan support. My laptop's Intel iGPU most probably won't have compatible Vulkan drivers. Keep this in mind if you're playing on integrated graphics or older hardware with poor/no Vulkan support. If you experience issues, try using PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
in the launch options. This will force the game to use a WINE OpenGL-based Direct3D renderer as opposed to DXVK which uses Vulkan.
This game requires the command line argument -changedir to be specified in the launch options. This also happens on Windows, hence why my result is Platinum as this is not a Proton issue. Runs in software mode only due to NVIDIA GT 240 GPU being incompatible with Vulkan enabled NVIDIA drivers. May work with hardware acceleration on other systems with supported video cards. Using Alt+Tab or the Super key causes the game to freeze. Otherwise the game is perfectly playable using all modes in full screen and window mode on a 2012 Intel Core i5 3330. Given the above, there are no graphical or audio issues.
Crashes stating: Invalid command line parameter: -changedir