if you turn fullscreen on in the option the game screen will be black when relauch
You need to turn off fullscreen and relaunch to play again
Boring Man's Windows build runs like native. The game is fully playable. Controls are okay by default but I'd recommend customizing them.
The game's native Linux build does not run in the Steam Deck's gaming mode. The game needs to be ran via Proton for it to work in gaming mode.

Minor problems but hard to notice and easily fixed
when changing focus while game is fullscreen, the screen will turn black when switched back. Have to turn fullscreen off and on again to fix.
It works what more can I say :2
Game runs butter smooth as expected.
Both the original game and the 2.0 Beta work well on my setup.

Работает отлично почти из коробки. Просто при первом запуске ругается на какие-то сохранения и вышибает, но при втором запуске всё ОК.

only tested base game, not the beta which requires a DLC

crashes often

Runs fine!

Seems to run fine, it crashed while i was testing but i suspect it was a problem on my end, didn't test multiplayer