Works out of the box!

find ~/ -type f -name "poe2_production_Config.ini" 2>/dev/null Change "renderer_type=Vulkan" to "renderer_type=DirectX12" Once at menu, change the Renderer back through the game settings if you prefer lower latency and more stable frame rate
Crashes are extremely rare but I don't think its an issue with proton

No tinkers. Used to work with multiple proton options. Fine for a few days.Stopped working today. No patches for the game.
Just stopped working. Now none of the protons worked. Game does not load, freezes computer.

Textures take way too long to load, sometimes I get hit by invisible enemies because they haven't loaded yet.
Awful fps compared to Windows, around 100fps when in hideout, but drops to 15fps when doing delirium or breach.
Playing on KDE Plasma.

poe2_production_Config.ini -> Chaged renderer_type=Vulkan to renderer_type=DirectX12
FPS drops when a lot of artifacts are rendering
Overall a good experience apart from going into end game and a lot of artifacts need to be rendered. FPS can vary from 113 - 40 FPS. Game was unplayable. Unless you change the settings:
/home/yourUserName/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/2694490/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile 2/poe2_production_Config.ini file
Changed -> renderer_type=Vulkan to renderer_type=DirectX12

New linux user. Completely painless! Defaults to Vulkin, and ran even better than it did on Windows for me. Hats off to GGG!

Works out of the box, and didn't need any adjustment
When there are to many particles happening at once, then there is a slight performace drop
Played about 280 hours, with no issue other than small performace drop when there are to many particles, but it's situational and really doesn't bother me

Had some Problems before, but not regarding to the game. Now i had no Problems

Couldnt start the game. It breaks without even showing a Menu or something like this. I was trying several Methods but non worked for me
tried to change Launch Options and Game Configuration files
I tried to start the game with the newest Proton Version, with Experimental and GE-Proton 9-25 and 9-23. I tried to use some of the given Launch Options from other Reports and i tried to change the GameFiles, but couldnt a folder named 26... and couldnt find a folder named "My Games" in any of the locations. Nothing worked. Its every time the same, it looks like it starting, but brfore any window is showing up, the game stops itself without any error message.

Game crashed when i tried to log in with default steam settings. Forced experimental, works great now.

Switch to DirectX 12
An update about 2 weeks after my previous report seems to have fixed whatever was causing the issues. It is back to running just as well as before. I haven't tried playing on Vulkan, since then.

I just downloaded from Steam and choosed Proton Experimental and started to play. Very stable, no issues at all

No issues whatsoever.
Runs great, no tinkering needed.
Had a sort of "plug-unplug" effect when fullscreen, seemingly at random. Solved by disabling system-wide adaptive sync

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
edit config on drive when your game located : /mnt/hdd1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/2694490/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile 2/poe2_production_Config.ini and edit renderer_type=Vulkan to renderer_type=DirectX12
same as windows perfomance

It just works
Shoutout to GGG making the game work since day 1 on Linux. I started playing on launch day, and I've been able to play through the entire campaign as though I were playing on Windows like my friends are.
Works great out of the box.

Works if you manually change the poe2_production_Config.ini file to use the DirectX12 API
$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/2694490/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile 2/poe2_production_Config.ini
Change render_type to DirectX12 from Vulkan. The game should start up fine after that.
All other suggested tweaks by users here didn't work except for modifying the config.ini file.

Freezing On Startup
They game only boots up a black screen with someone saying "Sir". Could not locate the config.ini file others mentioned and LD_PRELOAD="" generated errors with the game saying it's not a valid command line option. Tried multiple versions of Steam's proton -- didn't fix anything.
Too annoyed to guess at another solution.

Works perfecly out of the box
No tinkering needed. Running KDE on Wayland.

Installed fine and able to see main menu, couldnt play.
I could create a character and see the cutscene but it loads for a while then crashes.

Changed the renderer_type to "DirectX12" in this file: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/2694490/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile 2/poe2_production_Config.ini
I think this is mainly an issue with Nvidia and Vulcan for this game in particular. Some people have reported success using gamescope to launch in with Vulcan and using that or changing the renderer to DirectX that way.
Game played great some stutters occaisonally but it's just really poorly optimized in general.
Once I changed the game to DirectX it worked great, honestly similar performance to what I was getting on windows, no graphical errors or crashes whatsoever.

gamemoderun %command%
Changed the renderer_type in the poe2_production_Config.ini from "Vulkan" to "DirectX12".
As of about a week ago the game drops significant FPS after 30-45 minutes of playtime; restarting the game fixes this.
Game doesn't launch without editing the .ini file as described.

Editing renderer to DirectX12
Unable to boot first boot, had to swap renderer to DirectX12

It'll probably run perfectly out of the box, but if you have lag spikes like I had, have a look at what I write about wifi scan.
I had very unpleasant lag spikes every few minutes. After a little research, this was due to wpa_supplicant
regularly scanning the available wifi networks. So I switched to networkmanager-iwd
pkg, which doesn't use wpa_supplicant
That wasn't enough. So I tried stopping the process without killing it, via a command, which prevents it from making scans, and then, no more lag! The game runs perfectly!
Use the command: killall -STOP iwd
. (and systemctl restart iwd.service
to reset the status)
You should probably be able to stop wpa_supplicant
the same way (I didn't try it).
Except these lag spikes, PoE 2 runs perfectly on Linux, that's really neat for an EA!
Switched to x11 and compositor disabled is the Game changer ...now ...no lags like windows ...

Switch to x11 and compositor disabled is the Game Changer ...no lags ....like windows
My main character is an infernalist witch. Demon form sometimes causes the game to ctd, but this seems to be a common issue across operating systems.
Works perfectly

Worked fine a month ago. Now borked.
This game ran beautifully a month or so ago with no changes. Today I tried to play and it crashes roughly 2-3 seconds of the spinning gears (after the logo video). I've tried changing to DirectX12, reducing game resolution (via poe2_production_Config.ini) changing Proton version (Experimental, GE9-23 back to 9-21, UMU, Hotfix, every version back to 6.3-8), various launch options including xAcid9's solution, BillyMays' solution, (plus some others I don't remember which anymore), turning off Steam Overlay and every combination of the aformentioned fixes. Nothing works. The best I ever got was the spinning gears running for about 10 seconds on older Proton versions but everything crashes. I don't know what has changed to cause this. Note: PoE1 and other games are running just fine on Proton Experimental, Hotfix, or just basic tweaks.

this is my 2nd report this time no issues what so ever
I have a report about this game from 3 weeks ago. I changed a few things since. Changed the environment from cinnamon to xfce and switched off compositor (a game changer!!!) Every problem I had on my previous setup just dissapeard once I switched the environment and compositor off, to the point where no tinkering was required, just install and play.
LD_PRELOAD="" gamemoderun gamescope -w 2560 -h 1080 -W 2560 -H 1080 -r 90 -f --force-grab-cursor --adaptive-sync -- %command% --gc2 --noasync --nologo --waitforpreload
Stuttering from shader compilation

MANGOHUD=1 game-performance gamescope -w 3440 -h 1440 -f --hdr-enabled -- %command%
you need fullscreen for HDR

runs flawless
"Just needed to change the renderer_type from Vulkan to DirectX12 in the game files to avoid a black screen at first launch, run smoothly since with no issue."
/steamapps/compatdata/2694490/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My\ Games/Path\ of\ Exile\ 2/poe2_production_Config.ini
zero problems

LD_Preload="" WINEALSAOUTPUT=default WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winealsa.drv=b;winepulse.drv=d" PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr mangohud gamemoderun %command% --nologo
renderer_type to DirectX12 in poe2_production_Config.ini
fixed with WINEALSAOUTPUT=default WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winealsa.drv=b;winepulse.drv=d"
Reflex defaulted to enabled for me, causing hitching. Also, at the high end, especially t15 maps framerates can be terrible due to all the particle effects, etc. Turning bloom all the way down greatly improved this. This seems true on windows as well.