Fallout 3 plays and looks great on the deck. You will experience occasoinal crashes, but it does not make this game unplayable. Save often.
You will have to use the cursor to start the game. Execute all display settings as "Default".
I've found this game to crash when Galaxy News Radio starts playing music. I've had it crash on me also right after I boot it up. Otherwise I've played for consectutive hours at a time with no problems. With any fallout game, you want to be constantly saving anyway.
Besides the occaisonal crashing when GNR is playing music, this game runs perfectly on the deck. My workaround is to not have the radio on all the time, and also to save on a frequent basis.

After an hour of playtime, I experienced a Crash, other than that, perfect!
The game plays pretty well! I put in a hour, it ran smoothly, an error will show up at the beginning, press ok, and the game will launch as normal. Controls work perfectly out the box.