absolutely (if not more than on Windows) enjoyable and fluid!
the VSync seemed to not work, as there was visible tearing. (perhaps I could have enabled this elsewhere, but I'm not yet quite that familiar with Wine (from a Sofware Engineer's standpoint))
fascinating how correct, clean and hassle-free all of this technology gets setup/config'd and brought together to bring such an amazing Microsoft-free experience! ^^
gamemoderun PROTON_SET_GAME_DRIVE=1 %command%

Absolutely flawless - Just like in 2001. (Im sure I'm not exaggerating)
The people love you my lord.
Nice rework

Could run it with proton experimental without any issues. Could not Host a multiplayer game, but I joined and play without problems.

Haven't tried multiplayer.

Disable the Steam Overlay while In-Game and use ProtonGE to fix the rainbow cutscenes.
I was able to play it for about 3 seesions, but after that i tried to open the steam overly and the game wouldn't start anymore. After disabling the Overlay i was able to play the game.

Playing via Lutris, startup command just has a bunch of my default env vars, didn't try with them unset. Got through tutorial & multiple campaign missions with no issues whatsoever.

I hope they fix the cutscenes as they are classic.
The main menu graphic as well as the cutscenes just have a rainbow screen, audio doesn't play in them. Otherwise the gameplay itself is perfectly fine. I had issues previously running the game but they went away when I switched to the non-flatpak version of steam.
Playable, wait for a fix for a perfect experience

As stated by another report, I had to enable Steam Overlay in Steam's Global Settings and then Disable it for this game. It wasn't enough to just leave it (default) disabled for this game. Their instructions, copied and pasted:
"The game can crash at the Firefly logo screen, when the Steam Overlay is either enabled or when it is disabled globally. I was able to work around this by enabling the overlay globally ("Steam" ➔ "Settings" ➔ "In Game" ➔ "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game"), but disabling it for this game specifically ("Properties" ➔ "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game")"
Disable Steam Overlay, otherwise the game wont start
The game can crash at the Firefly logo screen, when the Steam Overlay is either enabled or when it is disabled globally. I was able to work around this by enabling the overlay globally ("Steam" ➔ "Settings" ➔ "In Game" ➔ "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game"), but disabling it for this game specifically ("Properties" ➔ "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game").

gamescope -f -e -h 1440 %command%
The game will start the first time I boot into the computer. If I exit the game, I won't be able to start it again until I restart the PC. Also, this game will only launch with gamescope on. In any case it's a pain to play. Fun game tho

Swtiched to Proton Experimental without any Launch Options and had no issues

Disable steam overlay.

Crashes after displaying Firefly boot logo
I am not able to play this game at all. Using Proton Experimental makes a bit more progress -- I can see the Firefly boot logo. I have disabled cloud saves to no affect. I attempted to add "gamemode %command%" as suggested in other comments but it wouldn't even get to the logo anymore. I took a peek in the installation directory of the game but don't see any logs or crash dumps; its possible I am not looking in the correct place for these on Linux. Steam Overlay is disabled by default for this game and its set to read-only (I can not toggle it).

Installs, but doesn't start with any Proton Version
gamemoderun %command%
I tried: GE-Proton8-23 Proton Experimental Proton 8.0-4
Disabling Cloud Saves Disabling Steamoverlay Disabling Cloud Saves & Steamoverlay

Full version works perfectly, as this was the case with demos
Launching Steam Overlay causes the game to crash

No significant problems. On my setup, performance issues that could be fixed by using Feral GameMode
gamemoderun %command%
Flickering background in the menu (it is possible that this is related to clicking outside the game window on the other monitor)
I noticed a big drop in performance (20-40FPS) I had to install a gamemode and run the game with the parameter gamemoderun %command% - With this parameter the FPS was between 70 and 120 FPS

gamemoderun %command%
Proton Experimental needs to be used instead of the default version if you want Alt-Tab to work correctly.
Steam Overlay has to be turned off for the game to work at this point of time. If it's on, the game will always just crash into oblivion at startup.
Works great! On full screen there is a bit of tearing, not sure if its a xwayland nvidia or DE (Hyprland) issue.

Sometimes flickering background in the main menu.
Sometimes the game crashes on start directly after the first loading screen (FireFly Studios logo). If not crashed here, anything will work fine.
Only starts using GE-Proton. Everything I've tested works fine.

Default settings, everything worked.
Clicking the +/- button on the minimap crashed to desktop
Everything works with default Proton, no tinkering. I did not test multiplayer.
The game starts and the Firefly splashscreen shows but then it crashes.

The game crashes on Firaxis logo under X11 but using gamescope allows me to play without any problems.
gamescope -W 3440 -H 1440 -w 3440 -h 1440 -f -- mangohud %command%
I've mitigated all the launch problems using gamescope.

gamemoderun %command%
Default Proton version messes up the window (it goes black forever) when you do Alt-Tab. Experimental Proton version is recommeneded as it fixes the said problem.
Steam overlay has to be disabled for the game. Won't work at all if it's not disabled, game will just segfault into oblivion.
just works

I had to disable cloud sync and Steam overlay in game properties. Without that game crashes right after the initial screen.

Game in borderless mode sometimes briefly shows it's border
This is a report for Demo version. Hopefully full version will run the same!