installing works. github got nuked. game won't launch past installer.
tried installing a bounch of windows libraries
big sad

While the JP version of the game doesn't work, Global works through Yostar's launcher. ゲームの日本語版は動作しませんが、グローバル版は動作します。
A custom unitymain patch is needed
How to get the game running on Linux
- Download the launcher setup from Yostar's website
- Add the setup as an non-steam game and force Proton Experimental from the Compatibility tab.
- Launch the setup from steam and let it it do it's thing. After the setup is done, install the game through the launcher. Installation directory does not matter.
- After running the installer fully, go to steam and edit the launch options to point to the launcher's exe. The target should be
. - Download a custom unity patch from here and move it to
. - Delete
and rename patch.exe to it. - Launch the game through Steam and enjoy.
How to install launcher updates
- When prompted to update the launcher you need to start the download as normal.
- Once prompted to restart you can close the game as restarting doesn't work.
- Going to the game files you can find a new folder called
. Replace the contents of~/YostarGames/HeavenBurnsRed
with the new files.- You can ignore the exe, so you don't need to redownload the patched version.
- You can also delete the
folder that has appeared in the game folder.

While the JP version of the game doesn't work, Global works through Yostar's launcher. ゲームの日本語版は動作しませんが、グローバル版は動作します。
A custom unitymain patch is needed
To be able to get the global version of the game running on Linux you have to do some extra steps.
- Download the launcher setup from here: https://heavenburnsred.yo-star.com/
- Add the setup as an non-steam game and force to use Proton Experimental from the Compatibility tab.
- Launch the setup from steam and let it it do it's thing. After the setup is done, install the game through the launcher. Installation directory does not matter.
- After running the installer fully, go to steam and edit the launch options to point to the launcher's exe. The target should be
. - Download a custom unity patch from here: https://github.com/AxerTheAxe/unitymain-patch and move it to
. - Delete the
and rename the patch.exe to it. - Launch the game through Steam and enjoy.

While the Japanese version doesn't work, the official English release by Yostar works without issue
Download the official Windows setup from https://heavenburnsred.yo-star.com/ Add it as a Non Steam Game Use Proton Experimental Install it where you want (I recemmand somewhere on the "Z" drive) Set the newly installed launcher as a Non Steam game (you can remove the setup if you want) Use Proton Experimental Let the game download and install (it will take some time, especially the installation part)
Launch the game from the launcher and it should works without issue

i have not tested the jp version, HOWEVER, the en version works like a dream on steam deck. just add the installer as a non steam game, force compatibility to proton experimental (i am not sure if this actually does anything), then open the installer and install like normal (i recommend installing in the Z drive)
once that finishes, close the installer. DO NOT REMOVE THE INSTALLER FROM STEAM. instead just change its name to Heaven Burns Red and change the launch options so it points to the game exe where you installed it.
it runs quite well and since its mostly a vn i get around 3-4.5 hours of playtime. i do force the resolution to 1080p to get rid of jagged edges in 3d scenes

It's WFS anti-cheat's fault.

It's WFS anti-cheat's fault.


This game require kernel based Anti Tamper driver - CrackProof to run,it seem Proton did not compatible with this driver
play it on windows platform or play mobile version

The game won't launch at all.
Also try Proton Experimental
Know this game won't work on proton, but just want to log a record. Hope this can be fixed one day :(
Kernel Level Anticheat
Knew it wouldn't work, tried anyway. Best bet would be to request Steam Deck support on their Steam page and hope for the best.

Game doesn't run
It presumably uses the same anti-cheat as the dev other title, Another Eden, which is also borked.