Much better compared to the previous GE versions, no more invisible cards or flickering and overall smooth 60 FPS, still no name input tho
Lowered TDP Limit to 6 Watts and GPU Clock Frequency to 600
Overall text size is somewhat small which could be bad for some people with worse vision
Pulling up the keyboard and attempting to input in any of the input fields will crash the game
GE-Proton7-42 was the last tested version by a prior user, compared to that version GE-Proton8-25 is much more stable and performant. The only issue that needs to be solved now is the keyboard causing crashes on input fields, other than that this game is very close to being fully supported by the deck now.

Works out of the box once installed.
Did not do anything special. Game is fantastic!
Lowered TDP Limit to 6 Watts and GPU Clock Frequency to 600.
Audio is occasionally crackly, namely when waking the Deck up from sleep, and drops out for a split-second from time to time, but doesn't hinder gameplay.
Cards and background fail to display properly when playing with default settings in Gaming Mode.
Downloading GE-Proton7-42 through ProtonUp-Qt in Desktop Mode and enabling it through the game's Steam properties settings allows the game to be played through Gaming Mode.
Occassional hitches down to 50-56 FPS during matches, mainly happens during animations.
Game will crash whenever you attempt to enter a key in a menu that requires a keyboard, such as editing the name of your deck or searching for cards in the Deck Editor.
Tested with both the virtual keyboard and a wireless keyboard.
Online multiplayer played as good on Deck as it does on Windows.
When i'm trying to use the virtual keyboard the game crash
Everything (expect the virtual keyboard) work perfectly
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Have to use PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
in launch options are cards are invivble.