Games seems to work completely fine.

The game frequently completely freezes for multiple seconds. I've had a full system crash happen once so far in 5 hours of playtime as well as some game crashes.
When the game is able to run properly it actually runs a decent bit better than it does on Windows but the stability issues are really unacceptable. I've personally just been dealing with them and playing anyway though as it did only just launch with plenty of issues on Windows too. I've still been having fun but it's certainly frustrating even so.
Worked flawlessly right out of the box

gamemoderun %command%
Total system crash
The game launches and runs as it should, albeit at not the greatest performance, but after ~1-5 minutes, causes a total system crash.

На данный момент в игре большие траблы с оптимизацией, фпс скачет с 30 до 15
Из-за плохой оптимизации играть пока что физически больно, для игры с такой боевкой нужно 30 фпс стабильных иметь, а тут и такого нет...

works great out of the box

Runs out of the box
Game runs out of the box. Not the greatest performance but I blame that to the game and the early access.

gamemoderun %command%
The game doesn't have the greater performance stability but I'd say that's on the game and the early access.

Works perfectly
lapis my beloved

I didn't test too much but the game just released so I'm just reporting that the game does seem to run perfectly fine after testing for ~20 minutes.