Need to install Proton BattleEye Runtime. Game runs as well as on windows considering the hardware (lack of 6GB vram). No any extra bugs compared to windows have been noticed.

alguns travamentos
drops de fps
usando proton-8, instalar proton battleye que funciona o anticheat

Medium settings, shadows on low settings, nvidia image scaling off, amd fsr2 balanced on. With these settings you can play at ~50 fps
you need to install Proton BattlEYE Runtime, without it you will be kicked from the server

Medium settings, shadows on low settings, nvidia image scaling off, amd fsr2 balanced on. With these settings you can play at ~50 fps
Errors and crashes from the game are also present on Windows

Anticheat not working
Wait for anticheat

Anticheat did not work
Will have to wait for anticheat to be supported

Anticheat would not run
Will have to wait for Anticheat support

Game closes immediately after launching
PROTON_LOG=1 %command%
Unfortunately, the game closes immediately. Tested using Experimental, 8.0-4, 7.0-6, GE 7-35, and GE 8-25.

Game starts up, but unable to join servers due to Battleye anticheat
Able to create a character and access settings menu. Joining a server is possible but during the unskippable cutscene the game kicks the player back to the main menu with the message "Anticheat connection failed. Please restart the game". Additionally tried with GE-Proton8-23 and Proton Experimental