Runs great

Installs and plays with latest Proton
I found that the display flashed a lot when the graphics setttings were on high. Reducing the settings (Quality and Anti Aliasing) to as low as available mostly solved the flashing. It was still quite annoying when displaying the map of the Greece coastline area.
After playing for a while, the game would show a black display, followed by a "Fatal Error" pop-up when transitioning from one area to another (e.g. from a cellar to the outside world). The "workaround" was to save the game and exit to desktop whenever a transition was about to be made. Often, restarting after such a save and exit would show the black screen followed by "Fatal error" pop-up. I feel it is highly likely that this is an issue with te game, rather than Proton.
On occasion, the "interaction" button stopped working (so "A" on my xbox controller clone). This is not a controller issue, the mapped keyboard key ('F' I think) did not work either, and all other motion and attack controls were working. "Fix" is to save and exit, and then restart. Seems like a game bug.
Besides the issues I listed, this game plays very well. The issues don't get in the way of enjoyment, especially if you remember to save and exit whenever leaving and area - then all your progress is safe when you restart.
Just works

Games is totally unoptimized. One you have 60 fps in high settings, than fps drops to below 30 at low settings. That need to be addressed.
The game runs great and there a no major issues. Some menu clip of the edge of the steam deck screen and the graphics have a slight blur.
Test can be a little small and some menus clip of the edge of the screen (not by alot)
Slight blurring but nothing major