It seems that the audio bug has been fixed with a recent Proton version, as the soundtrack plays perfectly fine for me on my Steam Deck with no tinkering. Flawless experience!
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Convert music to mp3 format and paste files to MyMusic folder and music will play.
If you have stuttering set 3D Shadow Quality to Normal.
Turn on vsync.
Steam Remote Play
Everything's mostly fine. Music works for me, unlike for some Steam Deck users apparently
In a tiling window manager (Sway), the game window becomes tiny if it loses focus (e.g. I switch to another workspace). This is easily fixed by switching the game's window to fullscreen mode. Sway has this issue with a lot of games, and this might not be a problem for typical desktop environments.
Intro movies don't play.
I have gst-plugins-libav
installed, which should handle the music.
The game sometimes gets major lag spikes, but in my testing this also happens on Windows, so not a Linux issue.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Wine doesn't have WMA/WMV support so no videos or music. But you can add your own music, or convert the OST to some playable format. Don't forget to change input to controller in options!

No extra efforts required to play the game. Music dont play but you can convert the original soundtrack and place it on MyTracks folder, then select your music tracks on the tracklist section on main menu.