Game works like on windows. Mouse being wierd is a game thing not a linux thing
gamescope -W 3440 -H 1440 -o 60 -r 160 --force-grab-cursor -- %command%
Hiding mouse ingame makes you unable to move camera. --force-grab-cursor to keep it in bounds with gamescope.
Runs well
Cursor goes outside of the window onto my other monitors. Clicking there makes the game lose focus and minimize. Turning "Show cursor" Off in the settings prevents the cursor from leaving the game, but after about a second this also stops camera movement (using the mouse) entirely.
gamescope's --force-grab-cursor might help, but I could not get gamescope to run at all yet.
gamemoderun %command%
little stuttering but i blame ubuntu
works fine
Runs fine out of the box
Some minor issues with object pop ins at close distance but that seems to be a game issue regardless of platform.
Works very well
You may need to change the controller layout as the default layout was blank for me. Thankfully they have official layouts that work very well
Game works very well. The default controller loadout didn't work at first until loading the offical layout
If controller doesn't work then load 1 of the 3 offical controller layouts.
gamemoderun oversteer -p farming -g "%command%
launchoptions because i have a G27 wheel.. you can leave it out if you dont have a wheel :)
Turn settings down, and you'll get an acceptable frame rate. Has to tell it to use the gamepad layout for the controller.
Works great so far
Game not Starting
Game does not start. Sometimes there is a broken loading bar, it closes then the steam deck stops loading the game