Runs great right out of the box
This game isn't demanding by any means, and ran flawlessly on my system
назначил несколько кнопок на мегю на левом паде
иногда крашило хз почему
иногда на ненадолго отключает от сервера
норм но для чата лучше исползовать физмческую клаву
в целом игра функционирует стабильно, кроме бага с раскладкой клавиатуры не обнаружено.
если запускать игру с русской раскладкой клавиатуры, то в игре перестают функционировать клавиши Enter, Esc и др. Если запустить игру с английской раскладкой клавиатуры, и п ереключиться уже в самой игре на русскую, то такой проблемы нет...
всё работает отлично, кроме описанного мной бага
Иногда ты не можешь делать многие вещи из-за бага с клавиатурой. (Esc, backspace, enter не работают)
Застрял? Решение есть!
Следуй 3 пунктам (при запуске):
- Запусти игру.
- Оставь не полное окно и английский язык. (у меня us)
- Присоединись к раунду. Не сработало? Зайди снова из лаунчера.
Также иногда помогает простой перезаход или изменение фикс. размера масштаба окна.
Proton not needed, just run the native version and everything should work fine
Good alternative if you have troubles playing the original ss13. Fun and no performance issues at all
Desktop Mode + Keyboard and mouse + Monitor
minimizes when clicking out of the window (linux issue)
all dependant on your connection
To play this correctly on the steam deck you have to have it in desktop mode and you have to have a monitor. It works flawlessly if those conditions are met. It's smooth and it doesn't over heat the device.
If you were expecting to be able to play this in handheld mode, you need to find some videos explaining what this is. Keyboard and mouse are essential. Treat it like a docked laptop in that sense.
Нужно решить проблему с вводом клавиатуры и тогда отлично всё!
Не работают клавиши: ENTER и ESC.
Без общения в игре невозможно играть.
Играть возможно, но без общения играть нет смысла.
Works Great with no Tinkering required at this time of posting
Was able to install the game and was able to launch the game, and play a round on a 70+ server with Proton 7.0-2 through steam. Did not experience any issues at this time. Currently using Pop_OS! latest version, game may varied on other distros.
Space Station 14 is unplayable in Game Mode, due to the compositor bugging out between the server window and the game window. You must play Space Station 14 from Desktop Mode.
Because SS14 must be run in Desktop Mode, you are at the mercy of the limited Steam chords available in this mode. The magnifier isn't available, and the onscreen keyboard is extremely temperamental and doesn't work 100% of the time. For a social game like SS14, this can be a big problem.
The multiplayer component works fine.
In Game Mode, Space Station 14 is entirely unplayable due to gamescope bugginess. If you want to play SS14, Desktop Mode is your only option.
In Desktop Mode, the onscreen keyboard is slow and buggy, which makes playing a social game like SS14 a major pain. Due to this and other considerations like SS14's large amount of context-sensitive keybinds, you'll only be able to enjoy Space Station 14 on Deck in the simplest of scenarios, like wordlessly mopping floors or slipping folks with banana peels.
SteamOS' compositor will start rapidly flickering between the server browser and game window the moment you attempt to join a server, preventing you from interacting with either.
No launcher with Proton 7.0rc6-GE-1. Just use the native Linux build (no compatibility tool). You'll have a much easier time.
Render unto Windows what is Windows's, and to Linux what is Linux's.
Launcher starts and login works without problem, but cannot connect to a server on Proton 6.3-8
"Failed to connect to server: The type initializer for 'System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyLite' threw an exception."
SS14 has native launchers for download on its website that probably work way better. I just tried this out of curiosity's sake.