The game defaults to Japanese. Need to navigate the menus in Japanese to change the language to English.
Exiting the game brings up a menu that requires the touch-screen, or mouse input. Aside from that, the game runs perfectly.
Didn't experience any issues during play, actually ran better for me on Linux than on Win 10
Initial launch cuts lots of screen off due to default resolution being 1080p. Easily fixed with in-game settings.
Runs great on deck! Locked 60fps (or locked 30 if you wanna save battery)
Imported and tweaked my layout I made for my steam controller
Game opened in a very high resolution and most of the screen was cut off. Could only see the top left quarter. I was able to navigate the options to fix it. Game does not support 16:10 only 16:9
Minor rainbow distortions in foggy levels. Does not in any way impact gameplay.
Played for 8 hours with default settings, a minor rainbow effect would appear on certain levels.
Later fixed by going to Launch Options in steam and adding:
With this tweak, experience in Proton was identical to tests in Windows 10.