Quits after first-run setup
Goes through first-start setup, then displays WINE message asking to install MSVC++ runtime. It doesn't matter which I pick, game quits afterwards.
Tried it with and without PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1
Multiplayer will not load
Single player works fine, however multiplayer will not load. I assume its something broken with the networking under Proton and not being able to connect to their servers

игра не хотела запускаться с ошибкой на D3d11 после того как добавил команду PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 игра начала запускаться с 1FPS. после того как я поменял версию протона на 3,18 - 9 игра начала запускаться в меню 20 фпс. возможно можно выбить и больше
the game did not want to start with an error on D3d11, after adding the PROTON_USE_WINED3D11 = 1 command, the game started with 1FPS. after I changed the proton version to 3.18-9, the game started working in the menu 20 frames per second. maybe you can knock more

The game runs out of the box really well at max settings with stable framerates.

Runs perfectly with no issues.