It's fine if you just want to play with the base game - but if you want to also use the DLC, I don't recommend it
I've tried Proton Experimental, various GE version, nothing gets the DLC to work
Seiges give you a black screen and hard locks your game, needing to force shut it down. Tournaments give you empty brackets, hard locking your game, forcing you to shut it down. The Embers NPCs are just giant white boxes

Black screen after selecting new storymode game. The audio still plays but no video.
Works perfectly, except a one-time crash that the game will detect and fix on second launch.
Will crash on first-time launching a new game; after that, it will detect that it crashed last time and adjust.
Mods work as well, even with non-unicode characters.
Out of the box with Proton 6.3-2, only one crash in 15 hours of play
Use proton 5.9-GE-6-ST to play. https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases


Couldn't get past menu
I was able to get to the main menu. Everything there seemed to work (graphics settings, game options, ect.), however when I tried to start the game it would present to me a black screen.