There is a lot of text content and in some places it's quite small for the Deck's screen. Though the magnification feature helps in those cases at all times.
Works great but playing with joystics or touchpads isn't as comfortable as with mouse. Small screen gives less room for viewing the battle field but it's fine if you can't wait to put yourself into the fight.

For me GE-Proton 8-4 was working better (more stable, less crashes) than the standard Proton version.
I had to adjust graphics settings in the game. By default some parameters were set to high. I had to put all options to medium. Without such adjustments I experienced a lot of game crashes. At medium settings the game works stable. Playing on Steam Deck with joystick is generally OK, at least the game has a great support of joystick in terms of buttons and triggers. However, it's almost impossible to make silent kills using joystick, because it takes too much time to position everything and the game does not has a pause when playing in real-time mode. Besides the Steam Deck screen looks really small for this game and is not very comfortable. I also played with keyboard, mouse and big screen monitor by connecting Steam Deck to the hub. In this case the game feels much better and allows to show much more map which is more comfortable for tactics planning. Mouse allows easier positioning for stealth kills but even with mouse it's quite difficult to do it fast and precisely. I recommend playing this game on Steam Deck, but I think currently without pause mode it's comfortable to play only with external monitor connected. Actually it's the only game I recommend to play like that, because others like X-COM or Xenonauts are great on the Steam Deck screen, perhaps because they all have a pause.

Default mouse control could be improved by using the touchpad, but works okay as is