Underrated, emotional indie gem!
For some reason, during certain scenes, a white or black bar would appear at the bottom or top of the screen. It diseappers after continuing to a new scene, but everything is playable!
Now runs perfectly
Doesn't appear to have any issues. Runs out of the box
proton-ge-custom - 5.0.9 - GE5-ST GloriousEggroll
Proton custom release with various fixes. https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom
Black screen, doesn't work
Wanted to get the Demo to run, but it just shows a splash screen and after that the screen stays black. Tried using Wine D3D11 and No Esync (disabling D3D11 won't lead anywhere as DX11 is minimum system requirement). What I also tried was installing some stuff for it through protontricks with "protontricks 1129000 -q vcrun2017 dotnet472 gdiplus" in Terminal (as a demo I tried before had precisely the same behavior and that fixed it) and the general launch option -onethread to no avail.