A small amount of text may be difficult to read for some, but most of it is fine.
The game launches with non-native resolution - this can be changed in the Options menu.
Graphical settings should be lowered to the Medium default to get a mostly smooth 60fps. When getting a large number of followers some settings may need to be lowered further to maintain 60fps.
Essentially flawless gameplay, running at 60fps for the vast majority of the time. A couple of brief dips here and there, usually just after loading screens. This was all on default settings.
Remapped Deck D-Pad using ingame options
Worse performance than expected on Deck: ~40fps on world map and ~45fps in levels. The game targets 60fps. Deck does not ramp up to full performance in MagiCat.
The game is still playable but can feel choppy due to it not hitting the 60fps target.
If not locking to 30 fps, world lighting flashes in a very distracting manner.
The game initially starts on a larger-than-native screen resolution and therefore has a poor frame rate (high 10s, low 20s), but when setting to 1280x800, locking the game to 30fps via the ingame options and choosing low graphics settings, the game is able to hold 30fps flawlessly.