With newer Proton the game's cursor as well as the default cursor are both visible and don't stay in the same position. Switching to the older Proton version fixed this.
Totally playable even with defaults, just a minor graphics issue with the mouse cursor but using older Proton version makes the experience better.
Had to install dxvk1071 for the game to start without errors.
I don't know if something changed recently but despite this being rated playable on the Deck on Steam and the positive reviews here I was getting various shader compilation errors with every single Proton version I had out of the box, only Protontricks with dxvk1071 solved it.
Had no issues running either with mouse and keyboard in desktop mode or Deck's gamepad
Some text is fairly small but I still found it readable even without magnifier.
Runs well out of the box although some default buttons may be surprising
Dosbox relase so you could easily run it natively as well, Luxtorpeda would make that trivial. That is not required as default Proton worked fine in game mode and desktop if you just want to get playing.
Everything including audio works after switching to older Proton