weed detector
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libtcmalloc.so %command%
if youre on arch the game is borked unless you get lib32-gperftools from aur and use the listed launch option. goes for most other source games
cant use flameshot (screenshot tool) properly if its not borderless fullscreen,also a bit finnicky switching to other workspaces in i3. otherwise fine
would work with any proton version probably, i just force experimental most of the time
did everything i saw others do, not sure if i did protontricks stuff wrong but it still doesnt work
protontricks 8190 d3dx10 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47, still crashes after i did this, not sure why
takes like 10 years to launch and flashes a black screen for a split second
protontricks 8190 d3dx10 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47, then verify game integrity for it to not crash after this
fps is dead on 144 without any slowdown, didnt see the invisible people bug that happens above 60 fps for now
i just default to experimental most of the time, would probably work on normal proton