Mars Rover
Worked flawlessly out of the box without any intervention.
Runs great, very stable on a system with good specs.
Minor cracking. Not always present.
Very little difference to any native experience. Even the bugs are the same in Windows
Some characters bounced around, caused the game to get stuck. I could get past this. Using the FC2 multi-fix and no further problems.
Won't launch - nothing visible. Proton 6.5-3 and Experimental both.
Using Proton Experimental (wine mono 6.3) and PROTON_USE_WINED3D, the game works and performance seems acceptable.
Couldn't get past menu without this.
A symlink seemed to be required as follows: ln -s $HOME/.steam/root/userdata /path/to/steam/steamapps/compatdata/754530/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata
Using CH Pro Pedals, not detected. Joystick works.
(Reported experimental version: 6.3-6 or Experimental)
Symlink to a) the steam userdata folder in pfx/drive_c/Program Files x86/Steam, and symlinks to all the dlls in parts/core in the game root folder.
I got my CH Pro Pedals USB to work, but only when running the game via wine outside of Steam.
I documented the fixes on github:
Close enough to native, more than playable.
Using i3wm, the game shrinks from fullscreen when changing modes, and has to be made fullscreen again, however is stable during gameplay.