Runs perfectly ootb
Multiplayer hosting & joining was also seamless
During my ~5 hours of testing, the game runs perfectly out-of-the-box in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer (hosting & joining friend-only servers).
Works as well as on Windows
protontricks 434570 dotnet40
After installing Blood and Bacon, I launched the game for it to subsequently crash. Following that initial launch, I changed the compatibility tool for Blood and Bacon to GE-Proton7-24 (acquired from ProtonUp-QT), opened a terminal, and executed the protontricks command at the top of this report; once that finished, the game would launch and play as expected.
WINEPREFIX="$PWD/../../compatdata/434570/pfx" winetricks dotnet40
Browse the local files of Blood and Bacon -> Open a Terminal in the directory and execute the following (make sure you have winetricks
installed). This will download the necessary dotnet40 dependency Blood and Bacon lacks out-of-the-box, fixing the crashing on character select.
I had weird artifacting in fullscreen mode when the resolution was below native resolution. This can be fixed by either setting the resolution to your native screen resolution or running in Windowed mode (F10). If you see it, you'll know.
Out-of-the-box, Blood and Bacon will crash after selecting a character as it lacks the dotnet40 dependency. Once the dependency is properly installed (either using the winetricks command above or something like protontricks) the experience is quite seamless.
I had an rendering issue where the audio would play but the screen was black and there was a white box in the top left of the screen. Using "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%" fixed this issue entirely.
(Optional) For an improved experience to the default 30fps cap, try using:
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
I've tried to run Black Ops with numerous different versions of Proton in the past to no avail, but relatively recently this has come to my attention so I decided to give Black Ops another try with the Steam Beta client and Proton Experimental. It initially started the same as it used to with steam saying that it's running but no apparent graphical window to back that up, but after 15 or so seconds the game window appeared and the game ran relatively well (minus first time cutscene rendering (and initial shader compilation of course)). I did not try Multiplayer yet but I felt like it was worth reporting that Blacks Ops (at least in Single Player) does in fact work now.
Works very poorly under Proton
The game will install and launch successfully and render the introduction cutscene perfectly as well, but unfortunately the enter serial window is broken which prevents the user from genuinely getting in-game.
I would not be surprised if either a fix for this or natural Proton improvements result in this issue being resolved in the future but for now the game cannot be played.
Proton 6.3-7 improperly rendered the survival intro cutscene. Using Proton GE fixed this issue.
protontricks 12170 mfc42
If you simply download and launch the game, you will be greeted by:
"Error 257.426" "Please run 'Settings' first (error: open registry key)"
The simple way to fix this is to, after executing the game for the first time to have steam generate the compatdata
folder, launch the protontricks command cited above. Then tap 'Play' and the game should "Just work". I haven't tried network functionality.
Video Playback renders improperly without something like Proton GE; Aside from that, the experience is Perfect out of the box.
The initial video playback on load up rendered improperly, but aside from that everything else worked perfectly out of the box. This issue can be resolved by using Proton GE or using the Media Foundation DLL.
Upon my initial 30 minute test run, the game appears to work perfectly out of the box.
Versions of Proton used:
- Proton 7.0-2
- Proton Experimental
- (Custom) GE-Proton7-14
None of these version of Proton had any issues running the game.
Proton GE (or some other workaround) is required for the introduction video to render properly. There is also a bug with improper shadow rendering which doesn't appear to have a fix.
Works perfectly out of the box.
Before applying the launch option listed above, the game would render an empty window and sequentially crash before the title screen. After applying it though, the game worked just as expected. Both Single Player and Co-op Garden Ops (from what I've tested) worked just fine.
I had to boot into Desktop mode, Open Steam to browse local files, and create a file called dxvk.conf
with the following contents:
dxgi.customVendorId = 1c06
Initially, the game would launch with a blank titlescreen and subsequentially crash. I have a desktop review citing how to resolve this issue with NVIDIA gpus, but a previous report by JaxiiRuff outlined a fix for AMD gpus (which worked perfectly on the steam deck). It honestly works great after shaders compile.
VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr %command%
I added the VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr
launch option to enable Raytracing support; Didn't use NVAPI (required to enable DLSS) as I didn't feel as though I needed it. The game works great out of the box, and even in a 2 player multiplayer session it worked flawlessly.
RADV_PERFTEST=aco %command%
The game played nicely during a ~3 hour Co-op session (with some slight shader stutter). The impact of the launch option above was not properly tested (with vs without); it was set just to ensure that ACO was being used for shader compilation opposed to LLVM.
Works fine out of the box with slight performance degradation.
Runs better on Windows than it does on Linux, but it's more than playable.
This report is certainly subject to change as the game is currently in Early Access, but as of right now the game works perfectly fine with Proton Experimental; I tested the tutorial level as well as an online match and both worked fine. The performance did not match that of Windows, but it still ran at a playable framerate.
Runs Perfectly out of the box (after shader compilation stutter)
Game works perfectly Out-of-the-Box
Haven't tested this game on Windows, but presumably the experience under Proton is equivalent in this case.
Despite it's performance issues, the Playtest (2020) version works decently for an occasional match.
The Depth of Field effect in the Classic (2015) version was broken and applied blur improperly, and reflections were mirrored.
Video Playback on the TV party screen in the Playtest (2020) version does not work out of the box and requires either Proton GE or the Media Foundation DLL to resolve.
The Classic (2015) version had significant performance issues whilst the Playtest (2020) version had noteworthy but not as significant performance issues.
In the Playtest (2020) version, every time a match ends the game locks up on a black screen. This issue isn't present in the Classic (2015) version.
As it stands at this current time, Who's Your Daddy does technically run on Linux out of the box, but both the 2020 and 2015 versions greatly underperform. With something like Proton GE, you can have the 2020 version render practically on par to what it does on Windows, but with freezing at the end of each match, it's not an ideal experience. For a quick game or two, it might be annoying, but if you can put up with it, it'll work.
Works Perfectly Out Of The Box
Note: The "Joystick not found" error popup on launch is usual behavior when a controller is not detected on boot. The games works without a controller, but it can also detect and use a controller just fine.
Runs perfectly under Proton
Runs just fine ootb
Similarly to the first title, it "just works" out-of-the-box.
protontricks 270550 xna40
Video playback does not work and refers to Windows Media Player.
The game runs better in-game than it does on the main menu.
Following ViRazY's report the game got in game and worked relatively well. Whilst Yet Another Zombie Defense HD has much better results through Proton, it's great that this version also works following some setup.
Works Perfectly out-of-the-box (Native and with Proton)
I successfully completed the entire game on the Linux Native version (no adjustments made post install) with no platform-specific hiccups or inconsistencies to note. After completing the game, I forced the use of Proton Experimental and tested certain stages, and the experience remained constant.