Game initially ran, but then after wiping prefix for troubleshooting it would never open again.
c="%command%";sh -c "${c::-17}Content Manager Safe.exe'"
Attempted to manually install dotnet48 (and a three digit dotnet version that it seemed to get stuck on in the proton logs), vcrun2015 and d3d11, the first time I got it running I also manually installed fonts for content manager as well as protontrick's corefonts
When I first tried running it with protonGE8.11, it ran the default launcher as well as content manager fine, even got to play the game with the vanilla launcher, however with content manager, as I tried to install custom shader's patch 1.79 down to 1.70, some would give me an unimplemented instruction error, some would give me a complete game freeze. So I thought I might have messed up something and wiped my prefix (not before trying some winecfg/winetricks fixes), after which no matter what I tried, it seemed to always get stuck on installing dotnet48 (or dotnet472 through automatic protonfixes) and would not boot at all, even without content manager. Steam logs specifically said on attempted install of dotnet472 that my prefix folder was not empty and that apparently constitutes an error, not sure if it just gave up after that. Proton logs weren't too useful to me, with nothing obviously standing out before "failed to create process AssettoCorsa.exe" at the end. Not sure where to go from here other than keep waiting for proton to improve and hope that one day this game will actually run reliably.
Multiplayer kicked me out the second it found a game through matchmaking, whether that's public or custom matches
PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime/" %command% uplay://launch.569/0
Running through the ubisoft connect version as I do not own the game on steam, game ran fine but multiplayer was busted. Tried to use the commonly used runner option in lutris through proton-GE, when that failed I tried regular proton, again through lutris, which of course didn't work and finally I tried to add the options to the steam shortcut, which also didn't work. I'm probably missing something really stupid, especially since the steam version seems to work fine for others
Moved EAC files to different directories and modifying config files to point to them
Requires a little bit of tinkering with the EAC files following this guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2787044978
Once that's done, it persists through updates and was consistently able to play without any issues.
Set up all necessary keyboard bindings as there was none, not even community layouts
Heavy slowdown in the home area, if you're not looking directly at the grass you can expect upwards of about 30-50 fps, otherwise enjoy 10-15 fps
It sure does run, not fantastically, but it runs