Game launches with an error message and exits
Tweaks mentioned below didn't work for me either
Runs fine with proton
No options in settings to full screen, alt + enter doesn't work either
Memory and swap usage max out, my system freezes, then the game crashes
Tried almost every version of proton back as far as 5.0, as well as experimental and multiple GE's. Memory and swap usage max out, my system freezes, then the game crashes. I tried setting all my settings to low with the lowest resolution and I still get the same result
After installing Adobe Air, a window quickly appears then closes immediately
The game crashed often due to high VRAM usage and it always crashed before the ending cutscene
Ran flawlessly out of the box
Making hex edits for ultrawide support cleared my saves and made me need to restart my progress twice
Worked with Proton 6.3, but experienced high CPU usage and fullscreen didn't work
If you get stuck with a black screen, your game might be automatically starting in fullscreen. Fullscreen didn't work for me, but I was able to switch it to windowed mode with ALT + Enter
90-100% CPU usage on the title screen, 70%ish during gameplay
Streamed fine with firefox
After installing and clicking play, it opened a new tab in firefox to stream the game from steam's website, didn't have any issues
I needed to change my Proton version to play chapter 4, but I had no issues in the game otherwise