WINEDLLOVERRIDES=“xaudio2_9=n” %command%
DO NOT fullscreen the game otherwise it's great
Once fullscreened could now see the game or interact with it
Runs out of the box
While Alt tabbed could not click on things, closing the game solves this
Good game
protontricks mfc42 xact d3dx9 corefonts
I followed the instructions in Achi's review which are " 1 download protontricks 2 launch towerclimb in steam. it won't work, but this is necessary for protontricks to see it 3 open protontricks and select towerclimb (If using commandline point to the towerclimb exe) 4 select "Select the default wineprefix" 5 select "Install a Windows DLL or component" 6 check "d3dx9", "mfc42", and "xact", and then click OK 7 select "Install a font" 8 check "corefonts" and then click OK 9 right click towerclimb, and then in properties under general put "protontricks mfc42 xact d3dx9 corefonts" as the launch option (i'm not sure if this is necessary, but do it just to be safe)" I removed the instructions that were steam deck specific, I followed it and it worked great!
Rarely it would force me to run in a direction, I had to restart the game to fix the issue so sadly run ending (I will look to see if you can fix it without leaving game, I am also not sure if this is linux specific but I imagine it is)
Without tinkering does not work at all