Err Ehm
Used to not run on 3.7 and before, need trick, but 3.16-7 run right away
Used to not run on 3.7-8 without tweak to use D3d11 but now on 3.16-7 it runs out of the box. Controller works out of the box as well, recommend to set up the controller with Steam account. Used Dualshock 4.
Run perfect and seem no problem at all, controller works (Dualshock 4), rumble also works
Tested on main PC with Vega and Ryzen, runs well, so I tested on my iGPU UHD 620, it runs very low fps (15-25fps) on lowest, but no crash and run as expected.
beside extremely long start up for the first time with Proton 4.2-3 (latest at the moment), my system just hangs for about 3 minutes (mouse nor keyboard responsive) but the game runs just fine after it finally loads up, frametime looks quite good.
Grim Dawn with the latest update 1.1.x now run perfectly with x64 version, fps good, no launch option needed, and all the old bug with the character, quest now seems not there any more!
Perfect runs, try with Dualshock4 controller - works. performance is great. Doesn't run on Steamplay default 3.7-8, but 3.16-7 runs right away.
Steam testing default to 3.7-8 and it was awful, 30-40fps on 720p, but use latest at the moment 3.16-7 game run absolutely fantastic on low 1080p 555-60fps stable - check dxvk_hud, great frame time.
Same as the first game, used to run not as good on 3.7, but it now run perfectly on the current beta (3.16-8), controller works, there was a part some buttons on controller don't works properly (can't dodge), check on Windows, same problem. Controller is Dualshock4
Game runs perfect, I have played the games on windows multiple times, used to run badly on 3.7 but now perfect on current beta 3.16-8, controller (DS4) works perfectly as well. No performance problem.
Run perfect out of the box, but full screen supposed to be fixed (change log of 3.16-x) but it still not works, otherwise, perfect. Play through campaign multiple time. Special Window Settings on KDE (Alt + F3) able to keep it full screen and remember however. Also recommend to remember to block compositing (not even need on my iGPU UHD 620 but it only windowed default so it doesn't block compositing).
Never able to start the game on any version of proton on my Intel iGPU UHD 620, with tweak using wine D3d11 it works however. set "PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%" as run command.
Used to not works, but with the lastest at the moment 3.16-8, it runs perfectly (check with DXVK_HUD enable), smooth, frame time all great, without needing the trick to use WINE3D3 as before.