Various UI scaling is available
Game breaking known bug - Inventory button (view/select) does not work. Set launch compatibility to Proton Experimental.
There is an in-game perk which causes your items to shrink. The items become extremely hard or sometimes impossible to see on deck.
Menu items are hard to tell what is highlighted. Lots of UI elements are hard to get to. Moving around menus with sticks do not always work.
Hard to control, sticks seem to not work 80% of the time.
right trackpad click mapped to A
mostly OK, might be hard for some
19:10, 19:9 aspect ratios, 19:9 causes a flickering border on the bottom.
during game start, game end, and saving
better to play with m/kb. Using default layout with touchpad as mouse is a little better, but navigating through ingame menus with Dpad almost never has the correct focus, and is hard to navigate. Using the touchpad remidies this, but the default is touchpad as joystick, which provides very bad control. Potentially a fun game for deck, but has very bad controller support.
simple and addicting, but is a chore to play on deck.
Options > save files - opens up another window outside of SteamOS that you cannot get out of.
bad mapping
Black screen when loading dungeon for first time.
L/R trackpad buttons select null enemy and will keep attacking nothing until you die. Sometimes you cannot open the chest to progress and must quit game.
Controls are cumbersome since you have to use trackpad while holding Rt to drag multiple cards across the screen.
Within acceptable range but might be small for some.
Works perfectly natively on SteamOS