A classic game and it ran fine for me. Good experience.
Capped Refresh Rate @ 40Hz and locked FPS to 40.
A few things could be somewhat hard to read but I could read it good enough.
A bit of crackling every now and then. Ultimately not noticeable.
Game would stutter randomly intermittently. Not a big issue.
Give it a try, it is quite enjoyable.
One of the best FPS games out there.
Refresh Rate capped @ 40Hz and FPS locked to 40FPS.
Somewhat hard to read text, but it is legible enough if you are not awfully far away.
Occasional crackling, not an issue.
Intermittent stutters. Not game-breaking.
Play it, you'll enjoy it.
Awesome space exploration game, and it runs amazingly. Ruined by Frontier though, fuck Frontier.
The launcher sucks huge cock. Otherwise, not a problem to use.
Couldn't even install the multplayer portion of the game due to the shitty launcher.
Ran good.
Aside from Rockstar's god-awful launcher, the game ran flawlessy. I was able to fully complete the main game and both of the DLCs unimpaired
Rockstar's shitty launcher, on several occasions, caused the game to unexpectedly exit on startup, causing me to have to start it again through Steam.
When playing offline, saves would magically disappear. Lost hours of progress due to this. Keep an eye on your saves, people!
Past the shit-covered curtain of Rockstar's cancerous launcher lies a fantastic game.
The Story Mode plays very well, around 50-55FPS using medium graphics settings. Online probably isn't worth trying with all the modders.
The Rockstar Launcher can burn in hell.
Game often starts with incorrect resolution, e.g: starting in 800x600 resolution once, then starting correctly the next time the game is launched. This issue is inconsistent.
Played at around 50-55FPS, however this was not necessarily unexpected.
The Online functionality itself is flawed, using a peer-to-peer connection allowing anyone with a simple mod menu to instantly reveal your I.P address. Furthermore, the Online mode is made unplayable not by Proton or the device, but by other people using all manner of exploits.
1: While playing without a charger or battery pack, I got a single hour of battery life. Expected. 2: In High-Density areas, the frame rate can dip to be around 45FPS, not an issue, but rather incovenient. 3: Playing docked and daring to try to get an external controller working was painful. Recognized a DualSense the first time, then never again. I had to fly using a keyboard!!
Very relaxed and story-driven game.
Capped @ 40Hz and 40FPS.
Some text far away could be incredibly hard to decipher.
FPS would drop to around 20FPS everytime something was moved, for example a sheet of metal or the truck. I have no idea what causes this.
This really picks up in the later episodes and it is quite good narratively.
Good narrative, fun story.
Capped @ 40Hz and 40FPS.
Some far-off text was illegible, solved by moving closer.
FPS dropped to below 20FPS everytime something was moved. I believe this to be cause by physics objects. (?)
Worth playing, give it a try.
Very nice and relaxed game.
Capped @ 40Hz and 40FPS
Text in the distance was often hard to discern. Not a problem.
It's not going to look the best, but it's pretty damn good.
Good game, try it. Support the devs, they're alright.
First time playing, DualSense worked fine. Second time, not so much. Detected in Steam but would not work in-game. Only used awful shitty keyboard controls when I tried to set up controller.
Absolutely zero bugs or significant hitches. Played just as it should with excellent graphical fidelity and smooth *60FPS frame rate.
*This was using a mix of medium but mostly high graphics settings.
A good game tarnished by Microsoft's awful servers. Ignoring those, this is an exciting time-travel shooter, with that classic Remedy touch.
If you're sat with arms outstretched, some text on notes and other collectible lore pieces can be difficult to distinguish.
This isn't even a bug, just genuine Microsoft incompetence. After each act, an episode of the Quantum Break TV show is designed to play to accompany the main game, however these episodes do not play and instead leave you with a black screen constantly "buffering" due to Microsoft's atrocious servers. Wouldn't be surprised if these servers get shut down for good sometime soon.
If you like Control or Alan Wake, this might be fun to try out.
Worked perfectly OOTB and had quite literally no issues.
Starts up flawlessly and completely without issue.
Marked as "Unsupported" but is an utterly unimpaired experience.
Boots up just the same as it would on any other PC or console. It's as simple as starting the game through steam and that's the end of it.
Flawless experience. No tinkering needed.