Crashes trying to launch, probably anti-cheat
When in full screen buttons/inputs did not seem to line up. Windowed with tiny borders is fine.
As stated the game now works on Steam Deck but Linux users on PC that I have spoken to are still blocked from playing by the Anticheat. Whatever was fixed seems to be specific to the Steam Deck? Very glad it is now working for me on my deck though!
Anitcheat blocks you from playing game
Since steam re-launch Linux users cannot enter the game due to EAC(easy anticheat). Game installs, can create character, then when trying to enter the world you get a "Anticheat has stopped your playing" pop-up. Was told by other Linux users that the game worked fine prior to the steam re-launch. Hopefully it is fixed soon.
"Anticheat has stopped your playing"
Game installs through steam, can create character but then cannot enter the world. Loading screen pops up like it is loading into the world and immediately recieve a "Anticheat has stopped your playing" pop-up. Seems like EAC is blocking Linux users as people with Linux PCs are also experiencing the same issue since the re-launch of LIF:MMO on steam. Tried reaching out to their support, was told to try disabling P2P and 'Repair' on main menu..did so, but still being blocked by EAC unfortunately.
Anti-cheat prevents playing
Anti-cheat prevents from log in game world.
EAC logs look fine to me. Prio to steam release, game worked great with proton, and without eac.
Anti cheat won't allow log in to the world
EAC log files won't report anything suspicious. Creation of char and passing the launcher works great. Devs either do not enabled EAC linux support or mess up on engine side.
Servers went down at the start of 2021
This game is completely dead on disk, linux or no.
Install but not start.
The launcher crashes.
It's possible to play, but there are problems with both dxvk and wined3d. dxvk: low fps wined3d: texture corruption
I was getting only 5-15 fps with dxvk, so I had to disable it and use wined3d. I got playble framerates with wined3d. The only problem I noticed is that my character's skin texture gets corrupted. Also had to edit ".steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/700030/pfx/user.reg" and add "QMLSCENE_DEVICE"="softwarecontext" and "QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM"="d3d9" in "[Environment]", otherwise the launcher would be all black.
The character's skin gets corrupted with wined3d.
It's slow with dxvk, but playable with wined3d.
Tried what other reports suggested but with no success
Tried proton 4.11 and proton 5 and the game doesn't start
Go to .steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/700030/pfx/user.reg and add two new variables in [Environment], "QMLSCENE_DEVICE"="softwarecontext" "QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM"="d3d9"
Use the QT tweak below in steam/compatdata/700030/pfx/user.reg. Search for Environment. Add missing variables. Fixes launcher.
Launcher is black. Cant run game
Qt needs these environment variables in the pfx/user.reg registry to run: [Environment] 1534934689 #time=1d43a0526616850 "QMLSCENE_DEVICE"="softwarecontext" "QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM"="d3d9" "TEMP"="C:\users\steamuser\Temp" "TMP"="C:\users\steamuser\Temp"
Qt needs these environment variables in the pfx/user.reg registry to run:
[Environment] 1534934689 #time=1d43a0526616850 "QMLSCENE_DEVICE"="softwarecontext" "QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM"="d3d9" "TEMP"="C:\users\steamuser\Temp" "TMP"="C:\users\steamuser\Temp"