Only works for me in older proton 3.16-9, newer protons just crash.
Set Launcher Options as "PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%"
Imported Glorious EggRoll Proton-5.9-GE-3-ST into Steam. Afterward applied Launch Options. "PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%" Failure to add the launch option causes the game to load to the main menu and freeze.
Game does NOT work out of the box. You need to specify Launcher Options "PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%". I have also found that Glorious Egg Roll (Fork of Proton) helps to make the game more stable.
Otherwise the game takes all of my GPU ram (8GB) and than freezes while in the main menu... Chrome has better manners
You need to use WINE's/proton's d3d11 version, else the game won't start and fails initializing graphics. Else the game runs smoothly even on my older card.
runs out of the box. video:
Simply enable Steam Play for all titles in settings (Proton 4.2.3+). Done. Works without any tweaks and no startup options required.
No issue whatsoever.
No issues whatsoever.
Played until 9th mission. Wine D3d11 tweak required since 1.0 release
There are crashes, usually in menus when starting or finishing a campaign mission or skirmish.
There does appear to be a bit of shuddering, but not having played the game natively I cannot tell if that is a Proton problem or the game itself.
Works fine