Mapped Page Up for Launcher navigation, set Skills to F Keys, Mapped right track pad to a touch menu for the 4 F Keys for a more authentic experience
Fullscreen is on by default and fills the top and bottom of the screen with weird cropped pixel art. Set to windowed for black bars
In-game controls settings need pgup and pgdown mapped, these can be removed after
Displays in 720p with an, imo, kinda distracting border with orange at the bottom and night sky at the top
No good on the go, but otherwise works pretty well.
Cannot exit the game without a button mapped to 'Esc'
Entering the in-game control setup requires buttons mapped to 'PgUp' and 'PgDn'
idk if its a bug or some DRM thing, but the game refused to launch without an internet connection. No error message, just infinite loading.
As long as I had an internet connection there was no problem.
This can't-miss action platformer runs flawlessly on steamplay.
Make sure to have Steam Input enabled in Steam's settings. Also, the B (circle button on Dualshock 4/Dualsense) is the accept button in this game. As this is intended by the developers, you may want to have that rebound in the game's settings if you're not used to pressing B to select menu options.
Game works flawlessly using the latest Proton.
For some reason, A and B are reversed. Not sure if this is because I'm using a DualShock 4. Fortunately, they can be rebound in the game's startup settings.
Running this game with Proton 5.0 has not been tested.
Only worked on 4.11. Neither 5.0 nor any of GE's 5.x builds ran the game. Controller, fullscreen, everything works perfectly.
Controller is unable to be configured properly, and is unusable. Game works well with keyboard controls.
Buttons with a Z-axis on a controller (i.e Xbox 360 controller and the like) does not work. The shoot button can't be mapped in settings, on both keyboard and controller. Due to the Z-axis issues, weapon switching when pressing the LT becomes a finicky mess. The RT does not work at all on controller.
It plays just fine on keyboard if you're fine with the default config, but your weapon gets switched every time you get into a new "room" or get past a load screen.
No errors or issues noted.
Runs perfectly literally no issues whatsoever.