Don't be deceived: may not have crashed even it it seems like it
Super-sensitive mouse setting by default
Seemed to get stuck on the initial logo screen. After three or four restarts thinking it had crashed I left it running. Eventually (after maybe a minute!) the logo screen gave way to the menu and it has started and played ok each time since; clearly some first-run code or assest loading was going on.
Great game, now it runs flawlessly.
Prior to that report, with Proton 7.0-4, the game was not leaving its splash screen. Now it's working normally and fully.
Hangs at the very first startup screen, with the Void Destroyer 2 logo.
Opened a bug report: -- will update if fixed.
Sound Delay, other weird issues.
In some versions of Proton, sound is inconsistent and sometimes played. In every version of Proton, 5 and up, the sound lags behind by 1 to 2 seconds.
Game would activate the time-slow mode which is Shift + T despite me never holding shift. One time the game seemed to randomly move speratically.
Have significantly higher than recommended hardware, running only 34fps, should be running at least 90. Not sure if it is limiting fps or if it is significantly slown down.
Sound delayed by around 2 seconds is way too much to bear, and the possibility of not being able to handle the game later when there are more than just a few ships is terrifying.
Works pretty well, but has some rare and minor stability issues.
Get black screen when I Alt+Tab out and back into the game in fullscreen
Only couple buttons worked on the XBox one controller, thumbstick unresponsive.
Exits to desktop randomly. Usually just as you perform some action. Became more stable over time, very rare at the time of writing, so might be the game and not a Proton thing.
Haven't tried a HOTAS setup with it yet, but Kbrd and mouse work great
Incredibly smooth, runs out of the box.
Game runs great. I've had 2 crashes and sometimes the audio muzzles itself, but as far as I know those bugs are also present in Windows.
Works great; Weapon sounds can be drowned out by music and I've had a few crashes to desktop, but from reading the steam forums it seems these are issues in windows as well.
Works perfectly, amazing since it never worked in Wine.