They added Easy-Anti-Cheat and misconfigured it so it kicks you out of the game match as soon as the start countdown appears
In a very rushed attempt to stop cheaters, they effectively banned Linux users, and none of the cheaters lol. You can still witness on twitch right now, clips of invisible untargetable players with infinite interaction range, movespeed, and item spawning. EAC does not startup or work at all. They refuse to remove EAC and refuse to do server-side validation for the anti-cheat.
Can get to menu, but unable to load into game
Works fine until you try to get into a game at which point it kicks you back to menu
Crash on fraction (merc/alien) choice
Menu works with Proton 8.0-5 but can't join game
Freezes on "Waiting for other players". Probably EAC.
Game only stable with Proton 8.0-5. Able to navigate main menus with no issues. Kicked Back to Main Menu upon joining a match.Devs added EAC
Game launches, but get kicked to menu from every match. Suspect EAC issues coming from their end.
Game seemed to play fine with little to no lag
Had to play on proton 8-5.
protontricks 2914260 vcrun2017
Use the proton tricks command. I had a problem with the c++ needing to be installed over and over until i used that.
Doesn't launch
Need to set windows version to win7 in order to not crash on the main menu my example: WINEPREFIX="/mnt/SSDGames/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/2914260/pfx" winetricks win7
Some shader stutter on first match/round.
Performance isn't the greatest with lots of shader stutter on first match:
Could not run the Game in Windowed mode.
You NEED to downgrade to Proton 8.0-5
Game crashes on reaching main menu
Crash on startup after cutscene
Installed Visual C++ 2015-2022 Libraries through protontricks
The game instantly crashes when I reach the main menu. This is the same behavior as when I had not yet used protontricks to install the Visual C++ Runtime.
Crash after loading into the menu
mangohud %command%
Game prompts the user to install MS Visual C++ on every launch. After installation the game launches, and works fine up until it hits the main menu where it hard crashes (every second launch you're forced to uninstall MS Visual C++, as without the installer finishing, the game will close itself).
Game fails to run, causes my PC to run at 2 fps and crashes after 5 minutes of waiting.
gamemoderun %command%
I tried running this game using every proton (even GE) available. Nothing worked, hopefully we see support on proton soon!
Crash after initial startup cutscene
Game crash after initial startup cutscene.
Tried all latest 3 versions of proton.
Crashes after reaching main menu.
Every time the playtest is started it requires the installation of C++ stuff, even if its installed. After launching the game it just crashes instantly when reaching main menu.
Immediate freeze and crash to desktop when arriving at the main menu
This is for the open beta / demo. Tried both experimental and ge-9-7